How Do You Keep Drain Pipes From Freezing

Drain pipes and sewer lines are very important to maintain, especially in winters when they are at a huge risk of being frozen and ultimately bursting. Here are some tips from rooter services which will help to prevent freezing of the drain pipes.

Signs Of Frozen Drain Pipes

You can’t remedy a situation if you don’t know how the problem arises first. Here are some very crucial signs which show freezing in your drain or sewer pipes.

  • There will be flooding and water will tend to seep away very slowly.
  • There will be frost on the pipes on its exterior.
  • There will be no water coming into the pipes when you turn the tap on.
  • Because of the water being stuck, there will be a characteristic smell to the water and it can be smelled from your drainage system.

How To Prevent Drain Pipes From Freezing?

Here are tips to prevent sewer and drain pipes from freezing.

The Heating System Should Be Perfect

If you have a water heater, then there will be no problem with water getting frozen in your pipes. The water heater heats the water coming into pipes through steam and this allows the water to always be warm when it is being passed through pipes. This makes the cold weather hard to freeze the water in the pipes since the water is always being heated through a gentle stream of steam.

Use The Shut Off Valve

This is more of a preventative tip in case the water does get frozen. You need to locate where the main shut off valve is in your house. You need to close it right away in case water does freeze so that it doesn’t cause more damage or burst when you try to push it through. This tip might not sound very helpful but it will help to prevent further burst in important water and drain pipes. Shut off the water supply in your house altogether so that you can rectify the frozen pipes first.

Seal The Vents

During the colder months, it can be very easy for water in the pipes to freeze, because of vents or any other openings which allow cold air inside. Keep these vents and other areas closed because this will keep the water warm and it will also put less load on your water heater to keep reheating the water, just because the vents are open. Keep the vents closed and only open them for a short amount of time so that they can ventilate and not choke up. The last thing you want is to choke up your vents, so keep a close eye on them.

Prevent Snow From Collecting

One thing you can do to prevent pipes from getting frozen is to scrape off the ice and snow when it starts to collect near the pipes or the sewer opening. This snow can act as a freezing agent and if you don’t remove it promptly, it will cause the water inside the pipes to freeze in no time. Keep an eye on the pipes when it snows and when the coast is clear, shovel off the ice from the pipes and sewer lines to keep them unfrozen. This will save you a lot of essential energy used in the heating system to get rid of the frost.

Run Water Through The Pipes

Stagnant water freezes a lot more quickly than moving or running water. This is basic science. So, to prevent water in the drain pipes from freezing, you can run a small stream of water into the pipes by opening up your faucets. This will allow the water to keep running and any frozen water will thaw in contact with this running water. This will act as a good thing to prevent your water from freezing and it will also unclog the pipes from any nearly frozen water.

Final Word

Who said sewer lines can’t get frozen? There is a huge possibility of them being frozen and these tips will help you save a lot of time and money because they will prevent situations like these from happening. To avoid any drain pipe damage, leakage or burst, hire drain contractors Mount Vernon to fix the issue.

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