Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

Are Allergies Hereditary? What Factors Influence Allergies?

Whether it’s winter or summer, the dread of allergies is always around the corner. This might lead to a question popping into your head: Are allergies more than just triggered symptoms? What if they’re a part of your genes? What do allergy specialists say? Here’s everything that you need to know. Allergies & Genes Allergies […]

Are Allergies Hereditary? What Factors Influence Allergies? Read More »

The Importance Of Contraception For All Women

Unfortunately, many women in poorer countries lack access to modern and safe forms of contraception. Without access to contraception, women are left with few options to prevent unwanted pregnancies. This lack of access to contraception can have devastating effects on the economic and social standing of the woman, her family, and the entire community. This

The Importance Of Contraception For All Women Read More »

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