Everything About Chimney Soot And Creosote And How To Remove It

Chimney soot and creosote buildup inside the chimney over time which causes you to call up chimney repair services. Here is everything to know about chimney soot and creosote.

Chimney Soot

An old chimney is bound to have some muck and dirt built up over time. When a fire is emitted, it creates a by-product which is set inside the chimney. This byproduct is dark brown, powder-like substance called soot which is built up in layers inside the chimney. It is formed as combustion of wood and charcoal which is found mostly in fireplaces. Basically, it is responsible for giving fire its yellow and orange color. It is formed under 284 degree Celsius.

Soot is to be contained before it brings any problems that’s why a chimney inspection is required at least twice a year. Here are a few of them.

  1. It can stain different surfaces like walls, ceilings, floors and even fabric.
  2. Due to its clogging nature, the chimney soot proves to block a steady airflow out of the chimney that’s why it may seem that the fire is a lot smoky than normal and causing quite some bit of health problems.
  3. If treated in the early stages, soot can be easily wiped and brushed off at home but if it builds up and is not treated for a long time then there is a danger of it falling to the ground and making the floor and your living room dirty.
  4. Soot can prove very unhealthy if inhaled in large quantities. It is equivalent of several cigarettes per minute.

Soot can be removed easily and chimney cleaning companies should be called before anything happens. Simple chimney scrubbers and stovepipe brushes are enough to wipe them.

Chimney Creosote

Soot is present in high amount in creosote along with other substances. The combustion of substances in your fireplace results in the production of a number of minerals like hydrocarbon and tar and also creosote. Creosote is highly flammable due to the presence of the substances that are heat conductors. There are many forms of creosote and all of them equally harmful to your health and your house.

First Degree Creosote

The first degree of creosote means that the chimney has a high level of soot present. It can be detected by large amount of ash and ash only. This degree is the most basic degree and you will start to notice a continuous occurrence of this ash as you use the fireplace. However, it is the easiest to clean too. You just need a chimney brush and it doesn’t require a professional’s help.

Second Degree Creosote

Second-degree creosote is also very commonly buildup and it is usually due to the lack of air going in the chimney. Restriction of air can cause the inside of the chimney to look like hardened tar. It is detected by the formation of shiny black flakes. It has a high potential of being hazardous. The cleaning of this type of creosote is not easy. You may require the help of chimney repair services as it needs a powerful drill to sweep out.

Third Degree Creosote

Many chimney cleaning companies will actually fail to treat the problem and will suggest that you install a new liner. It is very hard and tough to clean and professionals fail from time to time. Their last resort is to install a chimney liner and that’s what they do. It looks like tar and is often dubbed as extremely concentrated fuel. There are a number of reasons why the third degree occurs like the wrong wood being used, oversized flue and coldness of the chimney.

How To Clean Chimney Creosote

If the chimney creosote is first-degree, it can be removed by using a liquid power or spray directly to the wood or fire of your fireplace. The fire then burns the creosote and turns it into ash. You can then do a simple flue sweep to clean it.

In severe cases like second and third degree creosote, sprays or liquids don’t help. You need to use rotary chimney cleaning system and apply chemicals to soften the creosote to the point that it can be removed with a sweep.

You should get a chimney inspection Bowie done and then have it cleaned with the help of professional chimney cleaning services.

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