There are so many legends and myths regarding hair color and highlights that have nothing to see with the reality. Some myths are totally untrue and are not even in close proximity with the reality of hair highlighting.
Here’s us debunking all such myths and conjectures to help you have a better understanding of hair coloring.
Myth #1: Coloring damages the prototype of hair no matter what product is being used
The biggest misconception about hair coloring and highlighting is that it is sure to affect the prototype or nature of your hair in some way or the other. This kind of hearsay should be stopped from spreading far and wide, because people who have never had a keratin treatment in their entire life might get scared off.
Highlighting does not damage or decolor your natural hair, to be honest. Unless a low-quality product is used, your hair will never lose grip of its origin aka prototype. After a certain period of time, your hair will get back to its truer self, leaving no mark of damage done earlier.
Myth #2: Highlights do not tend to exceed its respective time limit
Another misconception about hair is, you can never make the duration last longer than it is supposed to be. It is untrue. If you use conditioner really often, you can make the color of your hair stay a bit longer than its conventional period of time.
After-care plays a pivotal role in it. If you give your hair a proper aftercare, hair color tends to stick to it for an even longer while. The duration can be extended if you are willing to attend to your hair and provide them with proper nourishment every single day after stepping out of the salon.
Myth #3: Hair needs to be meticulously clean the moment you enter the salon for highlighting
No, your hair does not need to be washed right before you enter the hair salon for a treatment. It is just not a prerequisite. Your clean or unclean hair is not going to make any difference to the color that is about to be instilled in your strands.
In fact, it is better to wash your hair 24 to 48 hours before starting the hair coloring treatment, that’s because, when your hair is plain and unprocessed, they can absorb the chemicals fairly quick though. No professional hair stylist or colorist would recommend you to wash your hair before highlighting albeit it is a must-to-do before straightening treatments like keratin etc.
Myth #4: Highlighting makes your hair look thinner as compared to before
When a select few strands would be colored, your hair is unlikely to look thinner or thicker, they are going to be as fine as they used to be before highlighting. Hair highlighting does not affect the proportion and/or volume of your hair in any way.
Highlighting is just meant to add a second dimension to your hair’s original color, it is just not meant to affect all the peripheral things like volume, proportion etc. Its main purpose is to give variation to the natural color of your hair, and it does not go overboard with anything.
Most of the women with balayage highlights are found with dense-looking hair, for instance. It does not change the fact of their hair being highlighted.
Myth #5: It’s uneasy to color your hair yourself at home
People think they can’t trust themselves for this task but they are wrong on so many levels. It is everyone’s cup of tea to color their hair at their place of comfort. If you are not wealthy enough to pay a salon, you don’t need to give up on your desire to have your hair highlighted.
You simply need to buy yourself all the necessary products, and afterwards all you need to do is watch a handful of tutorials at home — and you are done with the prep!
You do not need to earn a degree in highlighting to be able to practice it. You have various resources that can assist you to learn the whole process – Just make sure you use them right. However, to avoid any mishap, it’s always a better idea to get it done from hair salons specializing in color Rockville.